I saw something the other day while I was waiting at a stop light. Off to the side, a man was jogging and he stopped to move a large tire that was in the middle of the access road. It was not his responsibility, he was not hired to move tires. It was not his tire, he was just jogging by the tire. But, he took it upon himself to protect others, to ensure safety.
That is the type of mindset all health care providers (and really, all of humanity) should have - if you see something that requires action, just do it. I have seen people waste more time complaining about a situation or trying to find out who is responsible than if they had just taken the initiative to fix the problem. This would also help morale. It is proven that people get a rush when helping others (there is more of a rush, if the help was given and not asked for).
So, Just DO It! And maybe start decreasing errors and start increasing job satisfaction.